Find out how Rammed Earth fits within the context of
Regenerative Design
Expert Interview with
Max Stadnyk, of The Warrior Rising
What is the best way to learn about rammed earth construction systems?
There are always books, and you should get your hands on some of the better ones.
But really, Like anything, working with someone who knows what they’re doing is always the best way to learn something. It doesn’t matter what it is.
Do you have a list of books that you can recommend?
I do, yes. David Easton with “the rammed earth house”, covers just about everything we do in structural, insulated or stabilized rammed earth. So you have stabilized rammed earth, you have non-stabilized rammed earth. Stabilized meaning the addition, we generally mean cement when we say that, but clay itself is a stabilized rammed earth, which is what you use in non-stabilized
rammed earth. But yeah, absolutely, that book is a good starting point.
How wide is the rammed earth network? And are there currently enough professionals to satisfy the existing demand?
I think the easy answer to that is, it is worldwide and no. There are not enough professionals doing it.
At its inception it really was almost a DIY thing in my part of the world, there were very few people doing it. But if you go to somewhere like Australia where they’ve been really adopting that system for the last 40 years, there’s a much bigger network of builders.
Having said that, it is growing at an exponential rate right now. It’s sort of taken off in the last 10 years. Once upon a time I could go on the internet and I pretty much knew everybody globally that was building professionally. And now I can’t keep up. It’s just too many. At least in English. by the Now we are seeing with, LinkedIn and other social media like Instagram, people from different
regions of the world that speak different languages able to communicate with one another
through the translation. So they’re willing to then post their projects, which opens up a whole new horizon. Now you can find people in places like in Brazil, and they’ve been doing it for 40 years. And there are many different ways to build Rammed earth.
Max will expand on his design concepts and his “33 Principles of Regenerative Design”
Listen to the full Interview below
To contact Max please visit his website at THE WARRIOR RISING
MORE IMAGES AND RAMMED EARTH INSPIRATION (images courtesy of The Warrior Rising)