…a seamless partnership…
Although the profession in itself (and the specificity of the tasks performed) might still be a mystery to most people, just about anybody knows what Architecture is. But what is Permaculture?
There are oceans of information available online regarding Permaculture yet it still remains unknown to the majority of people.
The succinct summary is that Permaculture is simply a design system.
One that:
- is based on ethical principles
- employs traditional, time-tested solutions
- employs appropriate technologies and practices.
- works with Nature, following its principles and functions.
The most basic permaculture ethical principles are:
- Care for the earth,
- Care for the people (and all living creatures)
- Let everyone have a fair share of all yields.
I have heard Permaculture defined as a “toolbox” inside which many disciplines are contained.
It is indeed a very fitting definition, in fact Permaculture addresses the multiple layers that serve and accommodate for human life which include, at the most basic level,
- Shelter,
- Water procurement,
- Food production,
- Management of animal systems,
- Energy production
- Processing of “wastes” to be re-invested into the whole as resources.
Besides design, Architects’ main role in society is to safeguard the “Health & Safety” of the general public interacting with their structures. Consequently, when I started learning about Permaculture and its caring principles I immediately saw the potential for a seamless partnership with Architecture. A partnership where each can elevate the role of the other and cooperate in delivering environments that enhance, enrich and nourish the human experience.
It is easy to see that Architecture normally addresses the shelter aspect within the Permaculture arena. But whether a place of residence or business all the other human needs addressed by Permaculture are also present, in support of such shelter. All of these support systems (water, fuels, power, wastes, food production and animal systems) can therefore be smoothly integrated within a holistic approach to the Architectural design process and overall site planning.
It is in this context and with this spirit that BRIO Architecture is born.
An integrated approach to Site Planning with the aim to create:
- Shelters using Natural Materials that feed the soul
- Healthy spaces that support the body
- Local food production and security that feed both body and soul
- A closed resource loop collecting and reusing water, sun, carbon and biology that support all life
- A supporting community focused on constantly learning, experimenting and sharing this inspiring knowledge
If you want to learn more about what is happening just get in touch by booking a call…
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