Pre-Manufactured Hempcrete

Pre-Manufactured Hempcrete

Interview with Matt Marino of Homeland Hempcrete   Why prefabricated Hempcrete? While there are many benefits to be gained from a hempcrete building there are a number of drawbacks that can make it difficult to incorporate the material into a project and more...


Expert interview with Cameron McIntosh of Americhanvre   Where is Hempcrete standing today? So right now, Hempcrete is more or less in the natural building arena, along with cob or straw bale, but we’re hoping that the material can graduate from the quote...
Building Biology

Building Biology

Expert Interview with Cathy Cooke of Whole Home & Body Health     I have never heard of “Building Biology”. What is that? It is broad and it is basically looking at buildings, the built environment and how that built environment impacts the...